About Us

KODIE ORGANIC SCHOOL Is a cosmetic school that teaches you how to make cosmetic products from scratch. We teach you safe and stable skincare products that can stay on shelves for a longer period. 

We make students understand the basis of making stable products while still being effective 

Courses are put together by team of cosmetic formulators. Who are certified and have the sound knowledge of how to make organic products. 

Kodie organic school teaches students via the school portal, which is a different and more professional way of learning. You learn at your own pace and from anywhere in the world. As opposed the local settings of using WhatsApp which of course can not give the student the time and full knowledge on how to make products. 

Our mission is based on the believe that knowledge is a characteristics of a great community. We want to give a broad and sound knowledge on how to make stable cosmetic products with Ease. 

How do we operate?

Kodie organic school offers her course through the school portal. Upon registration of any choice of your course, a login detail is sent to you, which will be used to login into your own space and learning starts. 

Depending on the course you choose. Specific time range is given to have access to it. Which means you have to complete the course within the time frame. Example 6months to 1year. 

The good thing about this is you learn at your pace. You get to do praticals and experiments on your own so as to perfect your products 

In the case where you cannot finish before the time frame, kindly contact us on time to give you extension of 2 weeks, that is the maximum time we give. After completion of your course you will be given a certificate. 

Each course have a combination of videos, texts, PDF download , assignments and quizzes. Which should be completed before the end of your class. 

Our support team is there to answer and attend to you if any issues arises during your course.